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Moving to Independent Living: Checklist for Success

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An older adult couple stacking boxes to prepare for moving into an independent living home.

Moving is an exhilarating endeavor. It’s a chance to have fun and enjoy new experiences. But a move can be overwhelming, so a checklist can help get you organized for a move.

To help the move run smoothly, it can help to follow these steps:

  • Gather a support team
  • Give yourself and your loved ones time
  • Consider medical needs
  • Downsizing and organizing
  • Change of address checklist
  • Settling in

You may have questions and considerations about a move to independent living. You may wonder how your loved one will be supported or how to begin talking to them about downsizing. 

Once you and your loved one have decided, knowing where to start is helpful. 

Checklist for Success

Moving can be an overwhelming process, but by following a few simple steps, you and your loved ones can enjoy the experience.

Gather a Support Team

Most of us have moved once or twice, so we know how much effort it is to move. From choosing your new home to packing your belongings to doing the heavy lifting, moving is work with a capital W. 

The first thing recommended is to ask friends and family for support before, during, and after the move. Help before to get organized and pack, help during for the muscle, and help after to make sure your loved ones are settling in well and all their needs are met. 

If you don’t have many hands to lighten the load, you might benefit from looking into a moving service for the physical part of the move. 

Allow for Enough Time

A move to independent living is a big change, so plenty of time to prepare is important. Give yourself and your loved one the time to plan, ask questions, and make arrangements. A move can happen fairly quickly, but it isn’t uncommon to take as much as 6 months to prepare.

Assess Medical Needs

Now is a great time to evaluate medical needs. Schedule a check-up with your or your loved one’s physician. Make sure any concerns are addressed and that a few months of needed prescriptions are on file. 

Perhaps you aren’t certain of the level of support your loved one needs or if they could benefit from memory care. Determining their needs can promote a smooth and comfortable first few days and weeks in their new home. 

Downsizing & Organizing

An older adult couple carrying a box and a lamp as a part of their downsizing efforts.

Most of us spend all our lives collecting belongings, filling our space with treasures. You or your loved one will likely need to downsize to move from a large home to a one or two-bedroom apartment. Your loved one will need help and support sorting through everything.

Start early, at least 3-4 weeks before the moving date, a little bit every day. Use your support team if you have one to help. Packing is the best time to reorganize; it presents an excellent opportunity to determine what you want to keep and what you can live without.

Using strategies to declutter a space can be helpful. One way is to create 3 sections: one for coming, one for going, and one for donations. Some things will be easy to decide on, and others may need to be revisited. A fourth section may be helpful if there are a lot of maybes. 

This process is time-consuming but should feel good as things get packed and organized. This should be quality time spent with your loved one. Just remember to take frequent breaks; it can be fun, but it can also be exhausting. 

Checking off the Change of Address Checklist

The paperwork-heavy part of moving is notifying everyone about the move. The list of people and places we need to inform is long; typically, we will miss 1 or 2. It is recommended to start by having mail forwarded with USPS

Here is a checklist for common entities that may need to be informed:

  • IRS
  • DMV
  • Pharmacist
  • Dentist
  • Physician
  • Utility companies
  • Financial institutions
  • Credit card companies
  • Mobility carrier
  • Internet service provider
  • Friends and family

A list can be a wonderful thing. Scratching something off gives you a great sense of accomplishment, and it keeps things tidy. Should something be missed, the mail will still arrive through the forwarded mail. 

Settling in

Make sure your family takes the time for regular visits in the days and weeks after they move. A move can be overwhelming, so the familiarity of family will make the transition easier. You can determine anything they might need and encourage them to engage in the activities happening in the community. 

Change is not easy for most people, and meeting new people can be challenging. Getting out and meeting the neighbors will benefit their emotional well-being. Having the moral support of their family can reduce their anxiety about being social. 

Finding an Independent Living Community

First, find out what your loved one wants and needs in a new home. Then, you can start discovering and exploring communities. Crescent Fields at Huntingdon Valley is a vibrant community with on-site medical services, and our main street is full of shops, restaurants, and entertainment. 

There are 4 dining options, a movie theatre, a billiards room, a crafting room, an art studio, a rooftop patio complete with shuffleboard, and a community garden. Just to name a few of the experiences you can expect. 

We would love the opportunity to welcome you for a tour of the community and all Crescent Fields at Huntingdon Valley has to offer. Contact us today for more information. 

Written by Crescent Fields

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